Zentner Collection: Antique Japanese Tansu, Asian Works of Art
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Chinese Antique Lacquered Cabinet
Antique Chinese large lacquer cabinet. Decorated all over with designs of mountain landscapes and lakeside pavilions. Painted in gold and color lacquer on a black lacquer ground. Large doors with a round lock plate open to a single interior storage compartment.

Age: 19th century

Dimensions: 76 1/2" high x 49 3/4" wide x 24" deep
item #1495769
Antique Chinese Altar Coffer Chest Elm Wood
An antique Chinese altar coffer chest made of Elm wood. All original brass hardware. Three drawers and 2 hinged doors that opens to a spacious storage area.

Age: 19th Century

Dimensions: 85 1/2" Wide by 33" High by 18 3/4" Deep
item #1495664
Antique Demilune Table Pair Chinese 19th C Jumu Wood
An antique Chinese Demilune table pair made entirely out of Jumu wood. Two half crescent shapes form a full moon table. Beautiful floret carvings on sides with horse hoof legs.

Age: 19th Century

Dimensions: 32 3/4" High by 56" Diameter
item #1495660
Antique Pair of Demiluune Tables 19th C Nanmu Wood
An antique pair of Chinese Demilune tables made of Nanmu wood. Beautiful wood grain and sturdy under table support architecture. Combined together creates a beautiful full moon design.

Age: 19th Century

Dimensions: 31 1/4" High by 54 3/8" Diameter
item #1495593
Rare Antique Chinese Zitan Scholars Two Tiered Stand
A rare original example of a Zitan two tired scholars stand. Made of 100% zitan hardwood an doly marble. Classic Qing dynasty C. 1810 stand for holding precious objects or for floral arraignment. Depicted in manuscripts and paintings.
Well rendered with elegant form and shape.

Age: Qing Dynasty C. Early 19th Century

Dimensions: 8" high x 8 1/2" x 17" long
item #1495147
Price on Request
Small Chinese Lacquered Scholar Book Chest
Small Chinese scholar multi-colored lacquered book chest. flowering lotus and scrolling vines throughout the geometric designs. Original pigments of white, green, blue, gold seen from all sides.

Age: 20th Century

Dimensions: 36 1/3" high x 24" wide x 12 1/4" deep
item #1495146
20th Century Chinese Carved Campher wood Trunk
20th century heavily hand-carved camphorwood Chinese blanket chest trunk.

Age: 20th Century C. 1950's

Dimensions: 41" long x 25" high x 20" deep

Camphora officinarum is a species of evergreen tree indigenous to warm temperate to subtropical regions of East Asia, including countries such as China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea, and Japan. It is known by various names, most notably the camphor tree, camphorwood.
item #1495112
Chinese Antique Miniature Hardwood Chairs and Stand
Antique Chinese miniature model set of two "official's hat" arm chairs and a matching stand. Made of hardwood, carefully carved small versions of the classic furniture forms.

Age: Mid 20th century

Dimensions: Chairs 9 1/2" high x 6" wide. Stand 6" high x 3 1/4" wide
item #1494349
Chinese Buddhist Prayer Table Rosewood
A Chinese Buddhist prayer table made entirely of Rosewood. Elaborately hand carved side panels and surrounded by a beautiful apron. The top of the table was designed with a floating panel.

Age: 1950's

Dimensions: 33 1/2" Wide by 12 3/4" High by 20" Deep
item #1494294
Antique Chinese Ancestral Hall Chair Hongmu
An antique Chinese ancestral hall chair made of Hongmu wood. Decorated with inlaid mother of pearl, the back splat features a bat, a pair of Ruyi scepters, a deer and a crane. The armrests have carved foliated carvings. The front apron also has a pair of Ruyi sceptors with stretchers on all four legs.

Age: Late Quing Dynasty 19th C

Dimensions: 25 3/4" Wide by 39" High by 19" Deep
item #1494287
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