Zentner Collection: Antique Japanese Tansu, Asian Works of Art
Antique Japanese extra large Buddhist temple bell (bonsho). It's dramatic size is accented with relief details of apsara (celestial beings) and flowers. The large handle is in the traditional form of dragon heads and upper protrusions called Chi or Nyu improves the resonance of the sound when struck.
In large writing is the phrase Namu Amida Butsu (“I take refuge in Amitābha Buddha”) 南无阿弥陀佛. There is also a line from the Longer Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra: 正覚大音響流十方 Shо̄gaku daion kо̄ru jippо̄ "The great voice of the Enlightened One resounds throughout the ten directions". The bell is marked as having been cast in the town of Kotо̄ (currently part of Higashiōmi City) in Shiga Prefecture; at or by Kinjudо̄ (金壽堂).

Dimensions: 61" high x 33" wide
Price on Request
item #1494353