Zentner Collection: Antique Japanese Tansu, Asian Works of Art
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Japanese Antique Pair of Large Stone Inari Foxes (Kitsune)
A large pair of temple foxes carved from granite. The Inari foxes come complete with separate plinth bases. This pair of Kitsune (foxes) is finely rendered with ears pricked back, tail upright, with paws and hinds seated on its bases. The stone Imari foxes have bryophyte moss growth which is now dormant. The granite has a blackish grey ombre patina due to its age being left to oxidize in the elements.

Inari is a popular diety associated with foxes, rice, household wellbeing, business... Click for details
item #1429692
Japanese Antique Bamboo Ikebana Basket with Gnarled Bamboo Handle
Antique Japanese woven basket for fruit and ikebana. Wide and round form with low walls made of plated split bamboo. The gnarled and twisted bamboo branch handle makes this a wonderful example of the "wabi-sabi" philosophy which celebrates natural irregularities. Comes with a signed tomobako.

Age: Meiji Period (1868-1912)

Dimensions: 12" high x 16 1/2" wide
item #1429683
Japanese Antique Gilt Bronze and Crystal Buddhist Sarira Reliquary
Japanese Buddhist reliquary made of gilt bronze and crystal in a miniature lotus lantern or stupa form. The sarira, or human pearls, are delicately displayed in the central portion of the reliquary through a crystal cylinder. Two types of sarira are divided between two levels, with three smaller yellowish churira on top (originating from the liver) and two larger, whitish sharira (originating from the head) on the lower shelf. These human pearls are the crystalline traces left behind in... Click for details
item #1429599
Japanese Antique Kesa Cloth (Buddhist Priest's Vestment) with Dragons
Japanese antique rectangular kesa or priest/monk's outer vestment cloth. The silk brocade of this kesa is a pale orange color and finely woven with colorful designs of dragons in clouds. The silk is Imperial Chinese, as shown by the five clawed dragons. Lined with dark blue silk.

Often described as a mantel or robe, the kesa is worn draped diagonally over the left shoulder and under the right armpit. Meant as a reminder of the Buddha's own simple patched garment, kesa are formed... Click for details
item #1429595
Pair of Large Japanese Bronze Floral Candlsticks
Pair of dramatic Japanese large bronze candlesticks. Each candlestick depicts strolling vines with blossoming flowers on all sides. Small detail are seen down to each petal. The bronze nail head is in great condition and could easily support large candles an be used once again.

Taisho Period (Early 20th Century)

Dimensions: 24 1/4" High x 9 1/2" wide
item #1429547
Japanese Bronze Seated Maiden on Carved Wood Base
Charming Japanese Seated Bronze Maiden on original well-carved wooden base. Young maiden is dressed in peasant clothing and is holding a teacup.

Size: Overall 16" H x 13"W x 17"L Actual 14.5:H bronze figure

Age: Meiji Period (1868-1912)
item #1429193
Antique Japanese Bronze Maiden Selling Sealife
Lovely maiden of bronze holding basket of sea life including octopus and walking with sandals, signed with rectangular cartouche reading 誠谷作, Seiya saku. That would point to Genryūsai Seiya (源龍斎誠谷). Realistic Tokyo School bronze dating from the Meiji Period (1868-1912). With natural burl wood base.

Size: 19"H x 8" D, stand 3.5"H x 21" D
item #1429113
Japanese Antique Satsuma Ware 3 Wrestling Fu-dogs by Tо̄gо̄ Jukatsu
Antique Japanese Satsuma pottery group of three fu-dogs wrestling. Each of the three seems to be attacking another in this playful scene. A medium sized fu-dog lays with it's back on the ground, fending off the largest of the group who, in turn, has a smaller fu-dog biting his ear. The overall modeling gives off a feeling of whimsical turmoil and one can almost hear the playful snarls as they bite at each other's ears and toes. Details like ringlets of fur are painted on with gold, red and... Click for details
item #1428610
Japanese Antique Wood Carved Panel of Maneki-neko (Beckoning Cat)
Antique Japanese carved wood panel depicting the familiar figure of Maneki-neko. The beckoning cat with one paw raised, is a popular folklore symbol thought to bring good fortune, whether that is in the form of customers for a business (left paw raised) or, in this case, money or good fortune for the household (right paw raised). Beautifully crafted with attention to detail.

The most popular legend relating to Maneki-neko, is that of a cat belonging to a monk living in a small... Click for details
item #1428542
Japanese Antique Temple Carving with Pair of Dragons
Antique Japanese carved keyaki (zelkova, Japanese elm) wood panel from a temple or shine depicting two dragons. The dragons are intricately carved and have reverse painted glass eyes. They coil amidst swirling clouds.

Age: Meiji Period (1868-1912)

Dimensions: 49 1/2" long x 7 1/2" high x 1 3/4" thick
item #1428541
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