Zentner Collection: Antique Japanese Tansu, Asian Works of Art
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Japanese Red Lacquer Set of 10 Kichi Arrows
Japanese special set of 10 Kichi arrows, with consecration marks by the Kichijo-ji Temple. Kichi means good omen. Forged steel, with red lacquered tips. Mounted in splayed fan shape. Very unusual original red lacquered tips.

Edo p. (1603-1868)

Dimensions: 6" x 2 1/2" x 12" Height
item #1394217
Sale Pending
Japanese Jumonji Yari Spearhead
Japanese Jumonji Yari cross spearhead. Hand forged steel done in the same fashion as samurai swords.

Early yari are believed to have been derived from Chinese spears, these hoko yari are thought to be from the Nara period (710-794), and while they were present in early Japan's history, the term yari appeared for the first time in written sources in 1334 but this type of spear did not become popular until the late 15th century.
During the peaceful Edo era yari were still... Click for details
item #1394216
Japanese Set of 2 Yari Spears, signed Yamato Fujiwara Sensada
Japanese set of 2 Yari spears, signed Yamato Fujiwara Sensada. Hand forged steel, done in the same many and technique as samurai swords.

Early yari are believed to have been derived from Chinese spears, these hoko yari are thought to be from the Nara period (710-794), and while they were present in early Japan's history, the term yari appeared for the first time in written sources in 1334 but this type of spear did not become popular until the late 15th century.
During the... Click for details
item #1394215
Unusual set of Japanese Mori Clan Yajiri Arrow Heads
A complete set of seven Japanese piercing Yajiri (Yanone) hand forged iron arrows heads. Signed with the pierced Mori clan family crest.
Watakusi (Flesh Terror / Barbed) These shapes are usually very ornamental in form and would have been originally used in battle. Each arrowheads can vary in length from 1 inch to over 6 inches and most have a saw cut piercing. The Mei (signature) on this style of arrowhead would usually be located on the nakago. The pierced designs vary from... Click for details
item #1394214
Price on Request
Japanese Karimata Arrow Collection
A set of 5 Japanese karimata arrow collection. Forged iron, mounted on steel plates and armature wire.

The forked arrowhead (karimata) was named after its resemblance to the V-formation flight of wild geese. Such arrows of different sizes were highly prized on the battlefield and for hunting large game. The Japanese arrowheads, many resembling miniature spears, were made in hundreds of varied shapes of folded, tempered steel. They were attached to the bamboo shafts by means of... Click for details
item #1394213
Stunning Japanese Bronze Dragon with Crystal Ball
Japanese bronze sculpture of a coiling dragon, holding a clear quartz crystal ball in its raised claw. The foot is cast with the two character seal of the artist.

Early 20th Century

Dimensions: 7 1/2" x 6" x 7" H
item #1392974
Antique Japanese 2 Panel Byobu Samurai Screen
Japanese 2 panel byobu folding screen, painted of a fierce battle scene taking place over a bridge. Gold leaf clouds edged in raised gofun outline the image.

Early Meiji Period (1868 - 1912)

Dimensions: 48" L x 28 1/4" H
item #1392966
Japanese 2 Panel Byobu Silver Screen of Deer
Antique Japanese 2 panel byobu screen painting of a stag. The male deer stands below the overhanging branch of a moss covered maple tree, chrysanthemums and other flowers growing underneath. Beside them, a vibrant blue river, carrying away the bright red maple leaves in its currents. Pigment on silver leaf.

Dimensions: 73 1/2" W x 62" H
item #1392964
Antique Japanese 2 Panel Byobu Screen Peony and Butterflies
Japanese 2 panel folding byobu screen, pigment on paper painting of peonies in red, pink, and white with gold flecks. Two small white butterflies with black specked wings float nearby. Signed with red seal.

Dimensions: 70" W x 29 1/2" H
item #1392919
Antique Japanese 2 Panel Byobu Screen of Fu Dogs and Peonies
Japanese 2 panel byobu folding screen of fu dogs and peonies. The motifs are a representation of protection (fu dog) over wealth and prosperity (peonies). Pigments on paper with silver leaf. With two red seals.

Early 19th Century

Dimensions: 48" x 61 1/2" Height overall
item #1392824
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