Zentner Collection: Antique Japanese Tansu, Asian Works of Art
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Japanese Antique Furniture Small Ko Tansu Chest
Japanese Antique Furniture Small Ko Tansu Chest
Antique Japanese small ko tansu (personal chest) made of kiri (paulownia) wood. The top portion has a compartment opened by a pair of sliding doors. Below this is a series of drawers of various sizes: three small on the right and two medium sized drawers on the left. The very bottom of the chest has one full-width drawer. Hardware includes warabite shaped drawer pulls.

Age: Taisho Period (early 20th century)

Dimensions: 23 1/2" high x 22 1/2" wide x 14 1/4" deep
item #1454174
Japanese Antique 6-Panel Byobu Screen Painting of Pheasants and Stream
Japanese Antique 6-Panel Byobu Screen Painting of Pheasants and Stream
Antique Japanese six-panel byobu folding screen painting of a pair of pheasants (male and female). Near the pair of colorful birds, a stream flows over rocks. Exuberantly blossoming cherry trees and peonies rise from the rocky earth. Another pair of smaller birds fly together through a golden mist. Painted in mineral colors and with gold leaf on paper.

Age: late Meiji Period (circa 1900)

Dimensions: 59 1/2" high x 145 1/2" long
item #1454076
Korean Antique Tall Ichung-Nong Cabinet with Shell Inlay
Korean Antique Tall Ichung-Nong Cabinet with Shell Inlay
Korean antique shell inlaid black lacquer ichung nong stacking chest in 3 sections on a footed base. Exquisitely decorated all over with ornate scenes of birds, animals and flowers. The uppermost section has four small drawers across the top. Each of the three sections has a large compartment opened by two door panels. The interior of each section is beautifully lined in paper and has sliding black lacquer panels to hold in it's contents. Lovely brass hardware locks and hinges are in the... Click for details
item #1454075
Price on Request
Chinese Antique Pair of Carved Wood Display Cabinets
Chinese Antique Pair of Carved Wood Display Cabinets
Antique Chinese pair of carved wood display cabinets. Each cabinet has three large areas for display open from the front and sides and framed in elegantly carved scrolling leaf boarders. The lower sections have a pair of side-by-side drawers over a compartment opened by a pair of doors. The cabinets are lacquered their original deep reddish color and metal hardware includes round lock plates with matching hinges.

Age: circa 1900

Dimensions: 69" high x 34" wide x 16" deep... Click for details
item #1454074
Japanese Antique Cashier's Gate Turned Into a Table
Japanese Antique Cashier's Gate Turned Into a Table
Antique Japanese long table made out of a cashier's gate. Turned on it's side, this gate would have defined the area around the cashier's work space in a store. Now made into an attractive and useful piece of modern furniture. The slats of the gate can be seen on the sides as well as through the glass top which was added later. With six compartments for storage or display. Made of hinoki (Japanese cypress) wood and with it's original patina.

Age: Meiji Period... Click for details
item #1454073
Japanese Antique Dragon Corbel Temple Carving
Japanese Antique Dragon Corbel Temple Carving
Antique Japanese wooden temple carving of a dragon in swirling clouds. Beautifully carved of heavy keyaki (zelkova elm) wood with intricate details. The large dragon clasps the sacred wish-granting pearl in one claw. Around him are billowing rivulets of clouds. Some of the details of his face are painted with red mineral pigment and his eyes are made of reverse painted glass. Dragons have long been used in Buddhist art symbolizing the endless cycle of transformation.

Age: Edo... Click for details
item #1454072
Japanese Antique Single Section Todana Tansu Chest
Japanese Antique Single Section Todana Tansu Chest
Antique Japanese single section todana tansu made of sugi (cryptomeria) wood. This todana is divided into two large upper and lower compartments, each with two sliding door panels. Each panel in reinforced with horizontal wooden slats. Natural wood finish.

Age: Meiji Period (1868-1912)

Dimensions: 69" high x 63 1/2" wide x 20 1/4" deep
item #1454071
Japanese Antique Furniture Small Tansu Chest
Japanese Antique Furniture Small Tansu Chest
Antique Japanese small ko tansu, personal chest. Made all of kiri (paulownia) wood with iron hardware. This chest has three large drawers and two small drawers on the bottom. Every drawer is outfitted with a round lock plate, warabite shaped drawer pulls and lovely fan-shaped corner brackets.

Age: Meiji Period (1868-1912)

Dimensions: 23 1/2" high x 22 1/2" wide x 12" deep.
item #1454070
Japanese Antique 2-Section Nihonmatsu Kasane Tansu
Japanese Antique 2-Section Nihonmatsu Kasane Tansu
Antique Japanese Kasane Tansu (clothing chest). Two stacking sections made all of kiri (paulownia) wood. The top section has two large full-width drawers. The bottom section has one long drawer over a deep drawer on the lower left and a safe box on the lower right. Hardware is made of iron and includes square lock plates, corner bracing and warabite shaped drawer pulls. The safe box door has iron cross-bracing and swings open on 5 hinges.

Age: Mid Meiji Period (circa... Click for details
item #1454069
Tibetan Antique Gau Ghao Prayer Pouch
Tibetan Antique Gau Ghao Prayer Pouch
Unusual antique Tibetan gau ghao (gao). Used as a portable shrine that hangs around the neck, a gao is usually a box filled with prayers written on cloth around a central deity visible through a window. This gao is flat but it is similar to the traditional gao in that it has a central deity and a window cut out of leather. The outside of the pouch, like that of the traditional box shrine, is decorated with Buddhist symbols (lotus flower, conch shell, umbrella, eternal knot, etc.) made of... Click for details
item #1454058
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