Zentner Collection: Antique Japanese Tansu, Asian Works of Art
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Japanese Antique Small Hirado Ware Figure of a Tiger
Japanese Antique Small Hirado Ware Figure of a Tiger
Antique small Hirado ware figure of a tiger. Made of porcelain and glazed white with great detail especially in the fur. Hirado ware was first developed in the village of Mikawachi located in the area of Kyushu which was, along with neighboring islands, controlled by the Hirado daimyo. Initially Hirado ware was made exclusively for the daimyo's use. Later, Hirado ware found it's way west through Japan's trade with the Dutch East Indian Company.

Age: Meiji Period... Click for details
item #1461111
Antique Japanese Tansu Chest Kasane (Kimono Storage) Kiri Meiji 2 Sect
Antique Japanese Tansu Chest Kasane (Kimono Storage) Kiri Meiji 2 Sect
An antique Japanese Tansu chest made entirely of Kiri (Paulownia) wood. All original hand forged iron hardware including the Warabite style handles with natural age acquired patina. The handles have unusual embossed designs of a crescent moon, a plum blossom and a Bugaku pattern. Drawer lock plates feature the full moon pattern and each section has side carrying handles. Constructed using straight dovetail joinery and hardened wooden nails.

Age: Meiji Era (1880-1890)

Dimensions:... Click for details
item #1461110
Yosegi Zaiku Kobako Japanese Marquetry & Solid Muku Okimono Box
Yosegi Zaiku Kobako Japanese Marquetry & Solid Muku Okimono Box
A Japanese Kobako (personal storage box) designed with beautiful Yosegi Zaiku marquetry. Made in the Hakone region in Kanagawa Prefecture, it is a single drawer style used to store precious Okimono and treasures.

Yosegi Zaiku is a Japanese traditional craft dating back to the Edo Period (1603-1868). Wooden rods of varying natural colors are cut into elongated geometric shapes and glued together to form solid blocks. When viewed from above, the block displays the geometric pattern as... Click for details
item #1461108
Antique Japanese Tansu Chest Isho (Kimono) Dresser Kiri Late Meiji
Antique Japanese Tansu Chest Isho (Kimono) Dresser Kiri Late Meiji
An antique Japanese Isho Tansu (kimono storage chest) made entirely of Kiri (Paulownia) wood. All original bronze hardware and Oxblood red Urushi lacquer finish. Drawer lock plates have an unusual stylized insect-like incised design with fine stimple work accents and handles in the Warabite style. True dovetail joinery and hardened wooden nails were used in the making of this chest.

Age: Late Meiji (1900-1910)

Dimensions: 35 1/4" Wide by 40 1/2" High by 16 5/8" Deep
item #1461023
Antique Japanese Tansu Chest Isho (Kimono) Dresser Kiri Taisho
Antique Japanese Tansu Chest Isho (Kimono) Dresser Kiri Taisho
An antique Japanese 3 section Isho Tansu made of Kiri (Paulownia) and Sugi (Cryptomeria) woods. Upper section has two sliding doors behind which is a 1/2 split level shelf with 3 side by side drawers below. Center and bottom sections each have 2 large drawers for abundant clothes storage. All original bronze and iron hardware with an acquired original patina.

Age: Late Meiji/Taisho (1910-1920)

Dimensions: 35 3/4" Wide by 55 3/4" High by 15 3/8" Deep
item #1460920
Antique Japanese Tansu Chest Kotansu (Personal Storage) Kiri Taisho
Antique Japanese Tansu Chest Kotansu (Personal Storage) Kiri Taisho
An antique Japanese Kotansu (personal storage chest) made entirely of Kiri (Paulownia) wood. All original bronze hardware. Opposing hinged doors with the right side securing 2 drawers and the left side hiding 2 removable trays and a drawer. The balance of the chest has 9 drawers of varying sizes to storage and organization. Constructed using straight dovetail joinery and hardened wooden nails.

The Kotansu was an all purpose chest used to keep important documents, valuables, writing... Click for details
item #1460919
Chinese Antique Porcelain Snuff Bottle with Fu-Lions
Chinese Antique Porcelain Snuff Bottle with Fu-Lions
Antique Chinese porcelain snuff bottle, cylindrical form with low foot and narrow mouth. Glazed white with a pair of fu-lions painted in reddish-orange. Whimsical expressions and details of flowing fur and wispy clouds. A worn four character mark (possibly Qianlong) in red on the bottom. Yellow lid.

Age: Qing Dynasty circa 1800's

Dimensions: 3 1/8" high x 7/8" wide
item #1460909
Antique Japanese Usubata Minogame (Age Old Turtle) Bronze 19thC
Antique Japanese Usubata Minogame (Age Old Turtle) Bronze 19thC
An antique Japanese 2 part Usubata in bronze featuring a Minogame (age old turtle) base. Mounted to the shell is a flanged cloud rendering with four terminating columns that undulates to a removable wide rim water receptacle. Artist signed at the base of the receptacle. Beautiful craftsmanship including the fine stimple work to the underside of the turtle.

In Japan, the turtle is a good luck animal symbolizing 10,000 years of long life. It is considered the chief amongst all shelled... Click for details
item #1460810
Japanese Pair of Bronze Koro (Incense Burner), Meiji Period
Japanese Pair of Bronze Koro (Incense Burner), Meiji Period
Antique Japanese pair of koro (censers) made of bronze. The round, facetted body of each koro stands on 3 small legs in the shape of leaves. The lids are similar to fans with the openings between the ribs made in an open fashion to allow for the escape of incense smoke. Each with a deep black patination.

Age: Meiji Period (1868-1912)

Dimensions: 5" high x 4" wide each
item #1460809
Antique Chinese Table 19th Century Jumu Scrolling Apron & Spandrels
Antique Chinese Table 19th Century Jumu Scrolling Apron & Spandrels
An antique Chinese table made of Jumu (Southern Chinese Elm). The apron and spandrels have detailed scrolling work. Constructed using through mortise and tenon as well as dovetail joinery. Solid construction and beautiful patina.

Age: Qing (19th Century)

Dimensions: 68 7/8" Wide by 34 3/8" High by 21 1/4" Deep
item #1460805
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